Pleins feux sur les menaces : le nouveau Web sombre ?
Executive Overview Illicit Telegram channels have become a growing concern in the realm of cybercrime. Threat actors want to connect with each other in fast, reliable, and “anonymous” ways. Telegram has been their answer, and malicious actors are increasingly moving off of Tor and onto the instant messaging platform. Flare Director of Marketing Eric Clay […]
La typologie des chaînes de télégrammes illicites
Cybercriminals seem to always be looking for new and innovative ways to commit their crimes more efficiently. In the past, the dark web and parts of the deep web were some of the most common places where you can find cybercriminals committing their schemes. However, many criminals have moved over to more secure online messaging […]
Pleins feux sur les menaces : Triple Extorsion Ransomware
Executive Overview Threat actors have escalated the single extortion ransomware attack model to double and even triple extortion. With the commodification of cybercrime, adversaries have significantly increased the sophistication levels of their operations, and therefore also the potential devastating impacts of a ransomware attack. Flare Director of Marketing Eric Clay and CTO & Co-Founder Mathieu […]
Pleins feux sur les menaces : contournement des mesures de protection sur l'IA générative
There are two major trends coming together in the realm of cyber threats: 1) generative AI applications are redefining how we engage with each other and our environments, and 2) threat actors are abusing these same generative AI applications that are creating new positive possibilities to manipulate them for malicious purposes. (Check out our last […]
5 forums clés du dark web à surveiller en 2023
The dark web is often a mysterious and misunderstood corner of cyberspace. Often misrepresented as accessible from the greater public view of the internet, the dark web is actually not as readily as accessible as it may seem to be. This is because it is a non-public facing corner of the internet that isn’t visible […]
Top 5 des marchés du Dark Web à surveiller
Whatever your role in infosec, you probably know by now that dark web marketplaces offer budding and expert hackers various tools, data, credentials, ransomware, and malware for sale, with payment usually made via cryptocurrency. It’s in this underground landscape of shady buyers and sellers where dark web threats often lurk undetected until it’s too late […]
La menace des logiciels malveillants Genesis Market et Infostealer : ce que vous devez savoir
One of the most challenging developments in recent years in defending against cyber attacks is the emergence of cyber crime marketplaces. Often accessible on both the dark and clear web, these marketplaces offer an outlet for threat actors to trade in stolen information, hacking tools, and even hacking services. This article focuses on the popular […]
Fraude par télégramme et cybercriminalité : une préoccupation croissante en 2023
Criminals are consistently looking for new ways to exploit consumers and businesses. Today’s online communication channels, such as social media and messaging apps, have recently become a prime target for many scammers. One cyber threat trend that has been increasing is the issue of Telegram cybercrime scams. Threat actors routinely use Telegram to share leaked […]
Comment le Dark Web adopte ChatGPT et l'IA générative
ChatGPT and GPT-4 have been dazzling their users with their linguistic prowess. But, have you ever wondered if (and how) these large language models (LLMs) are also making a splash in the darker corners of the internet? It turns out that threat actors are indeed finding creative ways to exploit the technological marvels of generative […]
Pleins feux sur les menaces : IA générative
Two converging trends are on the precipice of reshaping the cyber threat landscape dramatically. The world is in the midst of a technological revolution that looks likely to cause significant and disruptive changes to society. Generative AI applications are poised to revolutionize the way we work, learn, and interact with our environment. Unlike some previous […]