The cybersecurity threats of today are rapidly changing and not only much different from the threats of five years ago, but also even in two years ago. Threat actors are always changing their tactics along with constantly evolving technology. Cybersecurity risk management software is a vital tool when it comes to tracking and managing emerging threats.
What do you get with Flare’s Cybersecurity Risk Management Software?
How does Flare’s cybersecurity risk management software meet Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) needs?
Gestion continue de l’exposition aux cybermenaces (CTEM) a proactive approach to threat identification and management rather than reacting to threats. Flare’s cybersecurity risk management software continuously monitors and analyzes your organization’s digital assets across your attack surface so that you can identify and mitigate vulnerabilities before they are exploited.
How does Flare’s cybersecurity risk management software mitigate threats?
Flare continuously monitors the clear and dark web, aussi bien que chaînes Telegram illicites, to identify vulnerabilities. If your confidential information is stolen or leaked, for example, Flare can identify it when it’s mentioned online. Flare also monitors your external attack surface for possible vulnerabilities, such as GitHub code that’s been accidentally pushed to a public repository or misconfigured assets.
What are the key benefits of Flare’s cybersecurity risk management software?
- A proactive security stance: By actively seeking out leaks and stolen data, you can catch breaches and accidental data exposures early.
- Visibility into vulnerabilities: Flare’s data leak monitoring solution scans the web and Telegram channels to find leaks before lost data can be exploited.
- Continuous monitoring of digital assets: Automated cybersecurity risk management software gives you 24/7 coverage of your assets, so you will know as soon as information is leaked or stolen.
Understanding Cybersecurity Risk Management Software
What is cybersecurity risk management software?
Cybersecurity risk management software is any platform that helps your organization identify, analyze, and mitigate relevant cybersecurity threats. It may do this in several different ways; by scanning for threats, for example or by notifying analysts about potential risk.
What are the five elements of cybersecurity risk management?
Selon le CyberSecurity Framework established by NIST (the National Institute of Standards and Technology) cybersecurity risk management covers five core elements:
- Identifier
- Protéger
- Détecter
- Réagir
- Récupérer
Intégrez en 30 minutes la base de données sur la cybercriminalité la plus accessible et complète au monde dans votre programme de cybersécurité.
A strong cybersecurity risk management program helps to achieve one or more of these objectives.
What are the most common cybersecurity risks?
Cybersecurity risks are constantly evolving, but currently the most common risks to your data include:
- Rançongiciels and other malware
- Attaques de phishing
- Attaques par déni de service
- Fuites de données accidentelles
- Initiés malveillants
Why is Cybersecurity Risk Management Software Essential in Today’s Cybersecurity Landscape?
Why is cybersecurity risk management so important right now?
Cybercrime is on the rise. Thanks to the proliferation of Ransomware en tant que service and other attack vectors that allow non-coders to breach your systems, 2023 was a record setting year for data theft. It can be a daunting task to catch so many potential attackers, so automated solutions are a must when attempting to catch data leaks and possible breaches.
How can cybersecurity risk management software help?
Criminals tend to gather where they can’t be found by traditional browsers or search engines; the deep and dark web, as well as certain Telegram channels, act as a marketplace for threat actors to buy and sell stolen data. Criminals also operate by collaborating, coming up with new tactics and techniques for stealing your assets. Cybersecurity risk management software gives you a window into their world, so you can see risks develop in real time.
What happens if your data is breached?
Data breaches can be expensive, and potentially devastating. In 2023, the average cost of a data breach peaked in 2023 at $4.45 million. These are just the financial costs; breaches also cost you the trust of your customers, partners and vendors.
Cybersecurity Risk Management Software and Flare
Flare est le leader Gestion de l'exposition aux menaces (TEM) solution for organizations. Our technology constantly scans the online world, including the clear & dark web, to discover unknown events, automatically prioritize risks, and deliver actionable intelligence you can use instantly to improve security. Flare’s cybersecurity risk management software allows you to scan for threats before a breach happens.
Notre solution s'intègre à votre programme de sécurité en 30 minutes pour fournir à votre équipe des renseignements exploitables et des mesures correctives automatisées en cas d'exposition à haut risque. Voyez-le vous-même avec notre essai gratuit.